Muhammadiyah Expands International Network with Student Send-Off to Pakistan -

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MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, PAKISTAN – The Central Board of Muhammadiyah has officially sent off a group of students to the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI), Pakistan through LKP Al-Qolam.

The send-off ceremony, held on Friday at the Muhammadiyah office, Jakarta, was attended by representatives from the Muhammadiyah Department of International Relations and Cooperation, including Yayah Khisbiyah and Bunyan Saptomo.

Zulfikar Audia Pratama BS, an alumnus of IIUI Pakistan and Vice Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) of Pakistan 2023/2024, accompanied the students. He explained that the visit aimed to strengthen Muhammadiyah international presence and seek advice for the students as they prepare for their study in Pakistan.

“We are here to maintain good relations and ask for guidance for our students who will represent Muhammadiyah in Pakistan. We are also exploring potential scholarships for future members of PCIM Pakistan,” said Zulfikar.

Yayah Khisbiyah and Bunyan Saptomo welcomed the visit and emphasized the importance of Muhammadiyah international network, particularly in Pakistan. Yayah encouraged the students to actively engage in PCIM and the Muhammadiyah Special Branch of ‘Aisyiyah (PCIA) in Pakistan while staying connected with LHKI for better coordination.

“Students should be proactive in creating programs, such as scholarship initiatives, and submit proposals directly to the Bureau of International Cooperation. Remember, you have a support system. You are not alone and remain under the guidance of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah,” said Yayah.

Bunyan also stressed the importance of registering with the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Islamabad, highlighting its role as a key support system for Indonesians abroad. He urged students to maintain good relations with the embassy to ensure a smooth experience during their study.

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