MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA – The Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah establishes four esensial characteristics to strengthen its identity and mission. Chairperson of ‘Aisyiyah Siti ‘Aisyah explained that these characteristics are rooted in historical documents, past insights into ‘Aisyiyah identity, and reflections on the organization’s century-long journey.
Siti ‘Aisyah mentioned that the characteristics reflect the organization’s identity and become a guide for its members in carrying out ‘Aisyiyah da’wa.
The first characteristic defines ‘Aisyiyah as a progressive Islamic movement as well as a da’wa and tajdid movement. This means all of ‘Aisyiyah’s activities are based on Islamic principles that emphasize advancement. The organization aims to perform amar ma’ruf nahi munkar (enjoining right and forbidding wrong) and develop cultural da’wa within diversity. ‘Aisyiyah has various da’wa strategies such as spoken, written, and digital da’wa as well as advocacy.
As part of its tajdid mission, ‘Aisyiyah strives to modernize the mindset and lives of Muslim women, helping them overcome challenges like backwardness, inequality, and lack of education. Tajdid reflects the renewal of understanding and practicing Islamic teachings in line with current challenges and the needs of the time.
The second characteristic identifies ‘Aisyiyah as a progressive women’s movement. Siti ‘Aisyah described this as being organized, future-focused, and transformative, which enables members to adapt to changing times while maintaining long-term planning and impactful programs.
The third characteristic focuses on social and enterprise initiatives. Siti Aisyah emphasized the importance of institutionalizing good deeds through organized efforts to address various social issues. These include creating institutions for philanthropy, welfare, education, healthcare, and empowerment, ensuring organized collective action rather than perseorangan contributions.
The fourth characteristic highlights ‘Aisyiyah role as a national movement. Siti Aisyah explained that ‘Aisyiyah actively promotes harmony and unity amidst diversity, contributing to the nation’s progress and well-being.
These characteristics are built on three key visions outlined in the Pokok-Pokok Pikiran ‘Aisyiyah Abad Kedua (the ‘Aisyiyah Fundamental Principles in Its Second Century) document. The first vision emphasizes advancing Progressive Islam in society. The second envisions enlightenment efforts that empower communities and foster growth in religious and national life. The third focuses on the development of progressive women as agents of positive change ro create enlightening civilization.
Siti Aisyah hoped that these characteristics will help ‘Aisyiyah strengthen its identity, achieve its goals and Muhammadiyah’s, and create khairul ummah (the best nation), ummatan wahaton (moderate Muslims), and syuhada ‘ala an-naas (witnesses for humanity).